Portfolio Grid
Trademark, Intellectual property registration, and general litigation.
Road Accident Fund (RAF), (Motor Vehicle litigation) (MVA), and litigation arising from motor vehicle accidents.
We provide services for the application of Liquor licenses in terms of the National Liquor Act 59 of 2003 as amended and Regulations that deal with the Renewal of Liquor Licenses, and events Permits.
Here we deal with the application and renewal of the professional driving permit. To allow drivers to drive on a public road in South Africa transporting goods, and dangerous goods or passengers
We train public and private employees in comprehensive legal compliance workshops and seminars. This covers all relevant compliance issues for business entities, ranging from CIPC registration and various tax implications. These workshops and seminars provide competency-based training to assist personnel and management clients with satisfactory services effectively, lawfully, and to the best practice standards.
This part of the practice is designed to assist government officials with the necessary skills, knowledge, and ability to carry out their roles to best practice standards in National, Provincial, and Local Government Spheres. This is necessary to improve and enhance the delivery of basic services in line with the dictum of the Constitution of South…
Divorce and maintenance and interdict and protection orders involving minor children and women.
Commission for conciliation, mediation and arbitration (CCMA), unfair dismissal, employee and employer disputes, and employment disputes at labour court.